Manufacturers and Suppliers Guide

Company Name  

  Enter the entire name or the first few characters.  


  Enter the entire name or the first few characters.

Product Description  

  Enter a broad description.

North American Industry Classification   System (NAICS)  

  Enter the entire 6 digit code.
  The North American Industry Classification System
  codes are published by Statistics Canada.

Industry Category  
(Please check all that apply)  

  Aerospace & Defence
  Agricultural Equipment
  Food & Beverage Processing
  Forestry and Wood Product Manufacturing
  ICT & Electronics
  Oil & Gas

  Enter a category/categories.


Sort Order  

  Company Name

Choose to sort your search results by company or community name.

Maximum Records to Return  

Select the limits of your search results.

Click this button to start your search.

For more information or to register your business, please contact:

Michele Grella

Prospect Development Manager
Ministry of Trade and Export Development
Investment Attraction
Phone: 306-933-5751