
Mineral Deposit Index DetailsMineral Property #: 2144
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1. Showing Information

2. Geology of the Showing

3. Exploration History

4. References

5. Reserves

6. Production

OneShowing Information
SMDI #:2144
Showing Name:Sand Lake Uranium Deposit, Studer U Zone
Location:Thompson Bay-Thorburn Lake (southeast of): Sand Lake grid
NTS Area:74I01
UTM13-Northing (NAD83/Zn13):6435957.53
UTM13-Easting (NAD83/Zn13):548024.19
Associated Commodities:Co ; Cu ; Ni ; Pb
Mineral Resource Assessment:Developed Prospect with Reserves/Resources
Mineral Deposit Type:Unconformity-Associated Uranium +/- Polymetallic
Geological Domain:Athabasca Basin
Revised On:2010/06/08

TwoGeology of the Showing
     During the 1983 anomaly drill program being conducted on CBS 4636, AGIP drill hole SOD-98-83 encountered uranium mineralization. The showing consists of a series of diamond drill holes completed to delineate this mineralization.
     In the showing area, the Athabasca Group Manitou Falls Formation consists of a lower and a upper unit. The lower unit is a 20 to 30 m (65.6 to 98.4 ft). thick intersection of white, yellow, orange, purple and brick red, well indurated to unconsolidated quartz pebble conglomerate that contains 5 to 10% heavy minerals. The upper unit is a white, grey-white, and pink, well indurated to unconsolidated, massive to well crossbedded quartz sandstone. The upper unit exhibits only minor fracturing, whereas the lower unit is extensively fractured. Bedding offsets at the unconformity and the presence of clay rich sericized basement wedges, 0.2 to 0.5 m (0.7 to 1.6 ft) thick, that have been thrust into the sandstone are interpreted as part of the Collins Bay Thrust Zone. Geophysical evidence indicates thrusting to the north. In all drill holes, pyrite, other sulphides, siderite and carbonaceous material infill fractures up to 150 m (492.1 ft) above the unconformity. In the lower sandstones siderite and rare carbonaceous material infill fractures. Alteration consists of bleaching and the alteration of basement wedges to clay and sericite.
     Basement rocks underlying the Manitou Falls Formation are the pelitic basal unit of the Wollaston Group. The rocks are composed of moderately to extensively altered graphitic and biotitic gneisses with pegmatitic interbands. Basement rocks exhibit near vertical shearing. Basement rock alteration consists of bleaching and the alteration of biotite and feldspar to chlorite-sericite-clay.
     Sandstone mineralization consists of pitchblende, pyrite and siderite infilling of pores and fractures. The mineralization extends from 10 to 70 m (32.8 to 229.7 ft) above the unconformity. Basement mineralization consists of pitchblende and secondary uranium mineralization, pyrite, siderite and other sulphide mineralization filling fractures and shears.
     The low grade, moderate width mineralization has not been delineated to the east and south. Drill hole SOD-98-83 intersected 0.18% U3O8 over 3.43 m (11.3 ft) and drill hole SOD-103-83 intersected 0.16% U3O8 over 7.20 m (23.6 ft).

             DRILL     INTERSECTION   WIDTH   %   PPM   PPM   PPM
             HOLE        (IN FT.)     (FT.)   U   CO    PB    NI
            SOD-98-83  207.77-207.97  0.20 0.650   34   128   3550
                       207.97-208.17  0.20 0.260   52    90   1610
                       208.17-208.32  0.15 0.870  400   172   4000
                       208.32-208.75  0.43 0.035  120    80    775
                       208.75-208.95  0.20 0.450  115   248    490
                       208.95-209.40  0.45 0.200  325   190   1150
            SOD-98-83  209.90-210.40  0.50 0.016   39    21    315
            SOD-103-83 207.60-207.90  0.30 0.140   46    78   1020
                       207.90-208.05  0.15 0.540   73   121   1310
                       208.05-208.45  0.40 1.800  320   455   1300
                       208.45-208.65  0.20 0.290  197   115   1090
                       208.65-209.00  0.35 0.070   98    50   1320
                       209.00-209.15  0.15 0.100  200    50   1470
                       209.15-209.55  0.40 0.160  237   845   1840
                       209.55-210.00  0.05 0.014   42    58    375
                       210.00-210.15  0.15 0.420  165   770   1710
     In 1979, Noranda Exploration completed drill hole SOD-21-79 (Lat 58°03' 35" Long 104°10'35") (UTM-N 6435912 UTM-E 548603). The drill hole intersected 0.186% U3O8 in the interval 168.2 to 168.6 m (551.8 to 553.1 ft). This mineralization, which is referred to as the "Studer Uranium Zone", occurs in a hematized shear in Athabasca Group sandstone. Further delineation drilling failed to encounter further uraniumm mineralization at this zone.

ThreeExploration History
     In August of 1977, Noranda Exploration Company optioned a series of claims from V.J. Studer. From 1977 to 1978, Noranda flew a regional airborne INPUT survey over the Studer Option (CBS 4594 to CBS 4596, CBS 4633, CBS 4636 and CBS 4637) and completed a ground followup program of EM and magnetic surveys and 12 drill holes (AF 74H16-0025, 0032).
     In 1979, Noranda completed reconnaissance resistivity surveys over the option (AF 74H16-0037) and completed test gravity surveys and 90 drill holes on CBS 4636 and CBS 4637 (AF 74I01-SE-0020).  In 1980, Noranda completed a test geoprobe survey over the Sand Lake grid portion of CBS 4636 and CBS 4637 (AF 74H16-0044) and completed 45 drill holes on the Sand Lake and Seamus Lake grids (AF 74I01-0026). No work was completed in 1981. The 1982 program was a continuation of reconnaissance anomaly drilling and core relogging. Two zones of coincedent clay alteration and post Athabasca faulting were identified on CBS 4636 (AF 74H16-NW-0051). The 1983 program was one of airborne interpretation (AF 74H16-0054) and ground gravity, magnetic and HLEM surveys and reconnaissance drilling on the Sand Lake grid (AF 74I01-SE-0067). The third hole intersected significant uranium mineralization (SMDI. 2144). A further 8 holes were drilled to delineate the deposit.      
     In 1984, CBS 4636 was converted to ML 5369 and joint exploration by Noranda Exploration, Cameco and Central Electricity Generating Board Exploration continued to explore the Seamus-Sand Lakes trend by drilling (AF 74I01-0070). In 1984, the Wolf Lake Deposit (SMDI.2253) was discovered.
     In 1985, a partnership involving SMDC (40%), Noranda Exploration (20%), CEGB Exploration (20%), Agip Canada (10%) and Texaco Canada (10%) completed work on the SWAN grid near the Wolf Lake deposit (AF 74I01-0079). In this year, Agip Canada released ore reserves figures for the deposit.
     In 1986, a partnership involving SMDC (40%, CEGB Exploration (40%) and Texaco Minerals (10%) completed HLEM and DEEPEM surveys on the Sand Lake grid and 1986 drill holes SOD-210 to 212 and 219 well to the east of the deposit (AF 74I01-0078). No significant mineralization was intersected.
     On 29 January 1994, Cameco staked the showing as S-103479. In 1996, Cameco completed ground TDEM, HLEM, gravity, magnetic, and boulder sample surveys which covered the showing (AF 74I01-0085).
     Between 2000 and 2001, Cameco completed soil hydrocarbon gas sampling and mobile metal ion sampling over the Sand Lake Uranium Zone drill holes SOD-248 to SOD-252 on the ST-G1 and Green Lake grids to the northeast of the showing along the Collins Bay Thrust Zone (AF 74I09-0097). The drill holes failed to intersect significant mineralization.

74H16-0025;-0032;-0037;-0044;-0046;-0051;-0054;-0055; 74I01-0020;-0026;-0067; 74I01-0070;-0078;-0079;-0085;
Agarwal, R.G. (1968): A Gravity Investigation of the Stony Rapids Area, Northern Saskatchewan: Sask. Energy and Mines Rept. No. 124; 42p. Agarwal, R.G. (1965): Regional Correlation of Geological and Geophysical Data in the Wollaston Lake Area, Northern Saskatchewan: Sask. Energy and Mines Rept. No. 82; 4p, maps. Ramaekers, P. (1990): Geology of the Athabasca Group (Helikian) in Northern Saskatchewan: Sask. Energy and Mines Rept. No. 195; 49p, 4 maps. Ramaekers, P. (1976): Athabasca Formation, Northeast Edge (64L, 74I, 74P): Part I Reconnaissance Geology: Sask. Geol. Surv. Summ. Invest. 1976; p73-77. Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary Geology of the Precambrian Shield, Saskatchewan: Sask. Energy and Mines Rept. No. 221; 109p, 1 map. Schreiner, B.T., Alley, D.W., McNamara, S.J. (1982): Quaternary Geology of the Precambrian Shield, Saskatchewan: Sask. Energy and Mines Open File OF-84-15.


1985             118,000 mt U grading 2.3% U (2,600 mt U). Agip Canada      


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