
Mineral Deposit Index DetailsMineral Property #: 1983
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1. Showing Information

2. Geology of the Showing

3. Exploration History

4. References

5. Reserves

6. Production

OneShowing Information
SMDI #:1983
Showing Name:Don Lake Radioactive Zones C, D, and E
Location:Don Lake area
NTS Area:74B16
UTM13-Northing (NAD83/Zn13):6302923.6
UTM13-Easting (NAD83/Zn13):429482.61
Associated Commodities:Mo
Type:Outcrop grab
Mineral Resource Assessment:Occurrence
Mineral Deposit Type:Sandstone hosted Uranium
Geological Domain:Wollaston
Revised On:2010/06/07

TwoGeology of the Showing
     SMDI 1983 lies within an area mapped as part of the Mudjatik Domain by R.J.C. Munday in 1972 (1977). It is underlain by Archean granite gneiss and Aphebian metasediments of the Wollaston Fold Belt. In some areas the rocks are quite graphitic.
     Subsequent 1:1000 scale mapping in 1977 identified the main country rock in the area as fine-grained quartz-biotite schist, containing variable amounts of magnetite and occasionally some garnet. It is invaded by lenses and or bands of coarse grained pink pegmatite that usually lie concordant to schistosity with gradational to sharp contacts.
     Within this unit are calc-silicate lenses varying in width from 10 to 50 m (32.8 to 164.0 ft) and up to 100 m (328.1 ft) long. Some of these lenses are massive, dark green, and pyroxene-rich, while others are more siliceous with a white to grey color and contain quartz, feldspar and carbonate in varying amounts with stringers and patches of pyroxene, amphibole, biotite and garnet and characterized by a variable, chopped up appearance.
     SMDI 1983 lies within the C, D and E zones of the area, all of which give varying assay values and lie within different rock types, but are closely spaced within CBS 4543.
     The 'C' Zone lies within a medium grained quartzite which contains less than 10% biotite and accessory magnetite. Radioactivity in this zone is caused by disseminated uranium and molybdenum mineralization. The zone has considerable uranium staining, hematization, and pyrite mineralization. It locally contains calc-silicates which are massive, fine grained and have a light grey to white color, indicating these calc-silicates can be quite siliceous. It is cut by stringers of pyroxene and amphiblole and narrow pink pegmatite zones which cut diagonally across strike. Spot highs of radioactivity are caused by disseminated uranium mineralization in the molybdenite. The 'C' Zone returned values from 0.01% to 0.04% U3O8 (0.008% to 0.34% U). A 3.0 ft channel sample across pit no. 5 returned 0.34% MoS2. Zone C is located at grid coordinates 50+50N to 53+50N and 12+00E.
     The 'D' Zone occurs within the quartzitic member and returned a high of 0.2% U3O8 (0.17% U) and minor MoS2 value. Stripping of the zone was unsuccessful due to the heavy overburden.
     The 'E' Zone occurs in calc-silicate rocks in contact with highly sheared biotite schists which have been intruded by pegmatite at grid coordinates 27+50N/13+70E to 32+00N/14+60E. The uranium is confined to the calc-silicate rocks. Two grab samples from trenches 10 and 11 returned values of 0.46% and 0.64% U3O8 (0.39% and 0.54% U) respectively.

ThreeExploration History
     The area of SMDI 1983 was first staked under Permit No. 2 by Dynamic Petroleum Products Ltd. on 16 December 1968. In 1969 they conducted geological reconnaissance and airborne geophysics across their permit (AF 74A13-0004), followed in 1970 by ground EM surveys, prospecting, geological mapping and soil sampling.  Results were not encouraging and the permit was dropped 1 May 1971.
     The area remained open until 1 November 1975 when it was staked by Scurry Rainbow Oil Ltd. under CBS 4543. Scurry Rainbow held a 25% interest in the claim, Home Oil Co. Ltd. held 25 % and the balance was held by SMDC. The next year work done on the area by Scurry Rainbow consisted of lake water and sediment sampling (AF 74B16-0013) and 1:1000 scale reconnaissance geological mapping, ground radiometric EM and magnetic surveys, and trenching and sampling of anomalous areas (AF 74B16-0023). It was as a result of the sampling program that the showing was found.
     In 1977, work continued consisting of geological mapping, pack-sack drilling, VLF-EM, magnetic and radiometric surveys and radon surveys. This resulted in extreme detailing of the radioactive zones (AF 74B16-0024).
     The work continued in 1978 with diamond drilling, geological mapping, VLF-EM surveys, trenching and radon surveys. No results for CBS 4543 were given (AF 74B16-0025).
     No further work was completed and the property lapsed on 1 March 1986.

74A13-0004; 74B09-0005; 74B16-0013;-0023;-0024;-0025;
Munday, R.J.C. (1977): The Geology of the Mudjatik (East) Area, Saskatchewan; Dept. Miner. Resour. Rep. 168, 25p. Scott, B.P. (1991): Metallogenic Map Series: Mudjatik, NTS Area 74B: Sask. Geol. Surv. Rept. No. 256; 14p. Slimmon, W.L., Sibbald, T.I.I., and Thomas, M.W. (1988): Compilation Bedrock Geology Map Series: Mudjatik, NTS Area 74B: Sask. Geol. Surv. Rept. No. 244.



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