
Mineral Deposit Index DetailsMineral Property #: 1057
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1. Showing Information

2. Geology of the Showing

3. Exploration History

4. References

5. Reserves

6. Production

OneShowing Information
SMDI #:1057
Showing Name:Porter Lake Uraniferous Pegmatites
Location:Porter Lake - north of bay on east shore of
NTS Area:74B06
UTM13-Northing (NAD83/Zn13):6243199.4
UTM13-Easting (NAD83/Zn13):349815.51
Associated Commodities:Ap ; Mt ; Pb ; Th ; Zr
Type:Outcrop grab
Mineral Resource Assessment:Occurrence
Mineral Deposit Type:Pegmatite-Hosted Uranium - (Thorium-Molybdenum-Rare Earth Element)
Geological Domain:Mudjatik
Revised On:2010/06/07

TwoGeology of the Showing
     The showing is located immediately north of a narrow northeast-trending bay on the northeast shore of Porter Lake or 0.9 mile (1.45 km) north of the Porter Lake Iron Formation Showing or SMDI 1050.
     The showing consists of radioactive mineralization and uranium stain associated with 32.2% to 40% magnetite in a pegmatite.  The area is underlain by Archaean granitic quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss (unit F1).
     Two grab samples returned assays of 0.57 and 0.43% U3O8, and 0.66 and 0.80% ThO2 respectively and up to 2900 ppm Pb and 535 ppm Zn. Scintillometer readings over the showing reached 25,000 cps (within narrow lenses of massive magnetite). The better assay returns from the trenched area are as follows:

            SAMPLE   PPM   PCT   PCT   PPM   PPM   PPM   PPB   PPM
            NUMBER    U     FE    TI    PB    ZN    AG    AU    ZR
           WEN 27A  2100   5.1   ---  1300   320   <.1    90   ---
           WEN 27B  3900   ---   ---  1350   390   0.2    60   ---
           WEN 28   3700   ---   ---    16    37   0.2    10   ---
           CB 170   2200   ---   ---    91   360   0.2    50   ---
           CB 172   3000   ---   ---   940   440   0.4    40   ---
           YM 137   7600  53.8  1.99  2900   535   0.5   270 34000  (apatite)
           YM 138   4200   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

ThreeExploration History
     In 1969, the Sunlite Oil Company Limited reported that ground checking of an airborne radiometric anomaly on Sunlite Permit No. 2 at the north shore of the south end of Porter Lake (AF 74B06-0004). This work exposed the mineralization that constitutes this showing. The showing was later staked as CBS 2808 which eventually lapsed.
     On 8 December 1978, SMDC acquired MPP 1043 over the showing. In 1979, Golden Eagle Oil and Gas Ltd. completed an airborne EM, radiometric and magnetic survey which covered the showing (AF 74B06-0007). In the same year, grid 7 was established over the showing and ground EM and magnetic surveys and radiometric prospecting were completed on the grid (AF 74B06-0029). In 1980, ground MaxMin and magnetic surveys and water sampling and analysis were completed on grid 7 (AF 74B06-0030). In the same year, a helicopter-borne EM and magnetic survey was completed over the property (AF 74B06-0031). On 1 January 1984, MPP 1043 was allowed to lapse.
     On 1 October 1984, Rex Silver Mines Ltd. acquired MPP 1142 over the showing. The MPP lapsed 1 July 1988.

Scott, B.P. (1991): Metallogenic Map Series: Mudjatik, NTS Area 74B: Sask. Geol. Surv. Rept. No. 256; 14p. Slimmon, W.L., Sibbald, T.I.I., and Thomas, M.W. (1988): Compilation Bedrock Geology Map Series: Mudjatik, NTS Area 74B: Sask. Geol. Surv. Rept. No. 244.



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